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Lanoguard presenta una serie di caratteristiche e specifiche tecniche che lo distinguono davvero. Una volta comprese queste caratteristiche tecniche, puoi veramente iniziare a individuare tutti i tipi di utilizzi per il grasso e gli spray Lanoguard in vari ambiti come la protezione dalla corrosione, l'impermeabilizzazione, le applicazioni elettriche e la lubrificazione.

Le caratteristiche di Lanoguard sono:

  • Naturale e molto, molto più durevole
  • Resistente al sale, agli acidi e agli alcalini
  • Sigilla ermeticamente la superficie (così l'ossidazione non può verificarsi, quindi la ruggine non può formarsi né continuare)
  • Impermeabile (impermeabilizza istantaneamente qualsiasi cosa)
  • Resistente al lavaggio ad alta pressione fino a 3000 psi o 200 bar (non verrà spostato e continuerà a proteggere dopo la pulizia)
  • Resistente al petrolio (quindi gli sversamenti o le perdite di benzina o diesel non lo sposteranno né si mescoleranno con esso)
  • Non conduttivo fino a 70.000 volt (utilizzabile su tutte le apparecchiature elettriche e schede di circuito)
  • Previenel'elettrolisi (niente più dadi e bulloni bloccati o gambe di motori fuoribordo!)
  • Non evaporativo (non si asciuga come il grasso normale lasciando parti non lubrificate o protette)
  • Resistente al calore fino a 450 gradi Celsius
  • Aderisce a tutte le superfici
  • Non rilasciante (non si diffonde su altre superfici e materiali adiacenti)
  • Non deteriorabile (sicuro da usare su tutte le gomme, ecc.)
  • Lubrificante (coefficienti di attrito incredibilmente bassi)
  • Coefficiente di attrito molto basso
  • Ecologicamente sostenibile (può essere utilizzato in sicurezza in ambienti marini)
  • I nostri grassi non sono a base di petrolio

Ci sono così tanti utilizzi per il prodotto una volta che si apprezzano e si comprendono veramente le caratteristiche e le proprietà di Lanoguard. Se pensi a un nuovo utilizzo, faccelo sapere! Se hai una domanda su se può essere utilizzato su una determinata applicazione, chiedi pure, ma di solito la risposta è SÌ. Inoltre, poiché è naturale e ha tutte le caratteristiche di cui sopra, non c'è alcun danno nel provarlo su qualsiasi cosa tu ritenga possa trarne beneficio. Provalo visitando il negozio ora.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions and learn more about Lanoguard's products, applications, and benefits.

Moto Range is designed for all vehicles, bikes, trailers and machinery to name a few. It protects the whole vehicle underbody and chassis from rust, corrosion and electrolysis with a strong barrier coat. Find out more and see our Moto Range.

Marine Range is designed for boats and any machinery submerged in sea water. It protects from rust, corrosion and electrolysis the same as our Moto Range, but also contains marine growth inhibitors to stop barnacle build up on any equipment submerged in seawater. It is safe, non-toxic and marine ecology friendly. Some of its uses include on outboard and inboard motors including electrics, propellers and prop shafts and boat trailers. Find out more.

Outdoor Range is a thinner formula, designed for metal, rubber, vinyl, wood, and almost all materials. It can be used on BBQs, sheds, fences and decking to name a few. It provides protection from corrosion, rust and waterproofs as wells preventing mould build-up in woods and vinyls due to it containing anti-fungal. Find out more.

Lanoguard has been designed for yearly/seasonal applications. It should be topped up at least once a year to ensure continuous protection. Although due to the simple application process there’s no harm in doing an Autumn & Spring application! The product is broken down by UV, so the more it is exposed to sunlight the shorter its life span. Inside box sections or inner chassis for example, it will last longer.

The general rule of thumb is that a little Lanoguard goes a long way, 1.8L of moto spray per application. – is ample coverage for vehicles such as Land Rovers and Pick Up trucks any vehicles over this size we would recommend more than 2L. Click here to look at our range.

Preparation is very minimal - all you need to do is jet wash your vehicle removing any dirt and grime. Make sure you remove any flaking or loose bits of rust, paint or underseal. Sometimes a wire brush can be used if needed to remove flaking bits. Ensure the vehicle is dry before you apply Lanoguard – it doesn’t have to be bone dry, as Lanoguard will displace moisture to an extent, but ensure you do not apply to a dripping wet surface. See our how to apply page here.

Lanoguard is great for chassis with surface rust. It has a natural affinity to ferrous metals and will bond to the metal underneath any surface rust, it acts as a barrier by hermetically sealing to the surface keeping oxygen and water out - stopping any rust from developing further.

Yes, you most certainly can. Lanoguard works fine with almost all sprayers, compressors, and applicators. You may find that it uses slightly more product than our trigger sprayer applicators will, but you’ll still get a nice even coverage of Lanoguard which will protect well. We do have a range of sprayers and applicators available on our accessories page.

Lanoguard reaches its final state around 7 to 10 days after application. Day 0 it is “oily” day 3 “soft” and final state is dry to the touch, but you know something is there. Like a candle to feel. Maybe a little softer. It dries to a clear / transparent semi satin wet look and stays that way for some months eventually dulling a little. But always stays clear; and of course, you can jet wash it to clean it back to how it was when you put it on. It is best to not drive the vehicle for 24hours to let it get through the first part of the curing process.

Lanoguard is eco-friendly and has green non-hazardous certifications. It does not require special handling, protective clothing or disposable gloves, which all add to the carbon footprint of utilising a product that is hazardous. The primary ingredient of Lanoguard is Lanolin which is a very ecologically safe and sound base. In fact, an entire dam in New Zealand was moved down river on a base of Lanoguard marine grease which shows you how the river authority was not concerned about any toxins that would be left as a result.