Using Lanoguard on Very Rusty Vehicles

Is your vehicle underbody absolutely rotten beyond belief but still considered roadworthy by a professional? If you leave it to rust further, could it become unsafe and unroadworthy leading to costly repairs for you? All may not be lost. Lanoguard offers a very easy and effective way of caring for and protecting vehicles – and it’s a product which is very low-prep tolerant and happy to be applied over sound surface rust. Read on for some tips and tricks for salvaging and protecting a rusty chassis with Lanoguard’s Underbody Care Range.
Lanoguard works by providing a complete hermetic seal on the surface, which displaces moisture and oxygen – the two components required for the rusting process to occur. Lanoguard can’t trap moisture, and due to its self-healing properties will not crack or dry out.
Sound and stable surface rust is absolutely fine to be Lanoguarded, just make sure any loose or flaking bits of laminating rust, paint or other coatings are removed. This is because if they do fall off, Lanoguard and the protection it provides, can come off with them. A close-up jet wash is ideal. If you struggle to remove all the loose bits on a very badly rusted underbody, our two-step application may be a good move for you too – see below!
Is Your Vehicle Heavily Rusted? – Lanoguard's 2 Step Approach
If you're dealing with heavily rusted areas, we recommend this two-step treatment approach, and for areas that are particularly vulnerable to rust.
Step One: Spray the Whole Underbody
To begin with apply a thin layer of the moto grease on the heavier rusted areas. Then spray the moto spray directly over these areas and the rest of underbody. The product will bond to the surface, penetrate and seep underneath the surface rust. Over time, it will push off the worst of the oxidation and make the surface more stable. While it won't remove the rust entirely, this process will improve the condition of the surface and make it more manageable.
Step Two: Leave it for 4 Weeks and Jet Wash
After spraying the underbody, leave it for 4 weeks to allow the product to seep and push off the worst of the oxidation. Give it a close-up jet wash to remove any loose bits of rust, then repeat step one to complete the process.
Lanoguard works best when applied to a stable surface. This two-step application process will further seal the area applied and make it more stable, allowing the product to bond more effectively.
Whilst we find there is no need to convert rust, you can do so if you wish. Rust converters work to reduce rust and make the surface more stable, so they can give a better surface for Lanoguard to be sprayed on to. Typically though, you may find that surfaces being rust-converted will require more preparation, and the process overall adds complication to the job which somewhat removes the easy factor of Lanoguard.
The jury is out on this one, we find some of our users opt to use converters with heavily rusted vehicles, but it certainly isn’t mandatory. It’s more of a personal choice as to how much preparation you’d like to do to get the surface ready for Lanoguarding. Our two-step process takes advantage of the features of Lanoguard to help prepare that surface a bit more should you so wish, too.
Any questions at all on the state of your vehicle, or for any assistance – you can of course always get in touch, send us images of your vehicle and we’ll be happy to help guide you with what to do! Get in touch on +44 (0) 330 100 1959 or
A few simple things to note when Lanoguarding a very rusty chassis:

- Remember Lanoguard is absolutely fine on surface rust, but it’s only as effective as the surface it sits on – make sure the surface is stable and not flaking.
- Use our two-step process or a rust converter if you have a very unstable surface on the underbody.
- Any concerns or problem areas, do get in touch. If certain components (brake lines etc.) are so badly rusted they no longer have their structural integrity – do get in touch or consult a specialist, as underbody care products are not a replacement for parts which require essential replacement.
- If you do opt to get restoration work done on your very rusty chassis, Lanoguard works great as a post-restoration treatment to keep the value of your investment and protect it.
- The sooner it’s protected the better! It’s never too late to start nourishing your underbody and ensuring it doesn’t deteriorate further.
See below our Underbody Care Range, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if our friendly team can help at all. Call us on +44 (0) 330 100 1959 or email
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